16 Juin 2007 Saturday! At Internet Cafι in Kpalime.
I’ve been in Agou Nyogbo for the last 3 days since Wednesday. We are in our program and language training there for the next 3 months. I haven’t had diarrhea yet, but it seems as though everyone else has. I think that’s the only way to get over pooping in your latrine. I have yet to use it besides for urinations. I was pretty proud of myself for urinating in it at night! What is a latrine you ask? It is a large, deep pit dug into the ground with a cement “toilet” to sit on and do “your biz”. There are critters that like to hang around that area, but so far I have only seen the occasional cockroach. I am still terrified of it, but I have tried very hard to get used to it. At our training facility down the road from my host family there is a flush toilet and I have literally been using the shit out of it. Enough about the poop situation.
Food has been pretty good! My host mother has been cooking vegetarian food for me. She even uses tofu! The fruit here is so delicious and I think I have the whole breakfast thing down. Communication has been difficult and I basically sit down with my dictionary in order to have a conversation. They are all super sweet. The internet here is very slow so I am typing this on Word first. I am overall doing really well, but today I feel a little weak. Maybe dehydration. My host family doesn’t think I eat enough. They have been teaching me Ewe. I can say “Good day” and “Good night” and “Thank you very much” and “Goodbye” and “flip-flop” so far. Here it is in respective order…n’do, n’dee, agbe ka ka ka, mya ga dogo and po po po. They think it’s pretty funny when I say anything, especially in Ewe.
We lost our first trainee yesterday. There are a total of 14 people in my CHAP group (Community Health and AIDS Prevention). We are all girls. We had movie night last night (Friday night!) and watched Mean Girls. The neighborhood kids joined us and laughed occasionally if there was something visually funny. Enough babble. I do laundry tomorrow. We went to an open market yesterday and I bought laundry soap and a pagne (cloth for making my first Togolese outfit). I am doing well and am really excited about being here. I hope everyone is awesome and please please write me! Here’s the address once again…
PCT Antigone Pantanizopoulos
Corps de la Paix
B.P. 3194
Lome, Togo
West Africa
Au revoir! Mya ga dogo!
keep on going
let us know if you get any letters when you start shitting. the good thing about diarrhea is, you get the cursive ones! we miss you!!!!! you know who.
Hey from the Chiavarinis!! We're in Portland and LOVIN' it! It sounds like you're doing great, and we're so happy for you. Keep a look out in your mail for some pictures of the cutest boy in the world.
Love, Andrea CLint and Dax
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